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Godwana Training Pty Ltd R3 28912800. Certified construction site supervisor css training package 1 lp01 lp02 8-9 feb.
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. R 1 940 86080 VAT Inclusive. The National COVID-19 Immunisation Programme Malay. Program Imunisasi COVID-19 Kebangsaan abbreviated as NIP or PICK is a national vaccination campaign that is currently being implemented by the Malaysian government as an approach in curbing the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 COVID-19 and to end the COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia by.
Register safety health officer sho 1-30 mar. Request for expression of interest from qualified CIDB accredited service providers to be enlisted in the panel of the department of environmental affairs for the implementation of EPWP for the EPIP for period of 3 years. Register certified facility management manager fmm training package 1 lp01 lp02 lp03 21-24 feb.
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